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Meet me, the born and bred Yorkshire Photographer!

Writer's picture: louise pollittlouise pollitt

Oh hey there!! It's me, Louise Pollitt Photography, the born and bred, West Yorkshire Photographer!

Yorkshire photographer
Here I am, loving the Yorkshire dales!

I have lots of new followers, so I thought it only right to write a blog, to introduce myself and tell you a little about the WHY I became a Yorkshire photographer, and why I'm so very passionate about creating memories for you!

I'm Louise, and I'm a mother of two beautiful daughters and a wife to my husband Nathan.

Yorkshire photographer
My beautiful girls

So how did I become a Yorkshire Photographer?

My photography journey started right after I had my own wedding. Naturally, my wedding was super rustic, set on a working farm and was something of a DIY set up, with pretty much everything made by us... Right down to the the home brewed wine!

At that time, I had my 3 year old daughter and since she had been born, I had faced some really tough times with my mental health, in the form of anxiety.

Yorkshire Photographer
The best rustic wedding day!

I often played about with my camera at that time, basically as a form of therapy, to take my mind off the tough days and to focus on something that I love. And you know, it really worked! Right after my wedding, I decided to take the plunge and became a second for my own Yorkshire wedding photographer.

Now, I won't lie. I was scared, terrified, petrified of failure and of letting people down. And often I would have days when my anxiety just got in the way of thinking positively.

The thing is with something so creative... It's clears your mind, it focuses your brain and it drives you in a really positive direction. Alongside this, meeting some amazing people, visiting some insane places and making people so incredibly happy, was the best feeling in the world.

What happened next?

Shortly after, I decided to build my own studio in my garden. And it's the best decision I've ever made! I love being able to welcome new families into my space and create a little bit of magic together! My work and confidence went from strength to strength and I loved every single session I had. Alongside weddings, I started specialising in newborn photography, attending training all over the UK.

Yorkshire photographer
My beautiful space

So you could say, for a few years, photography really helped me through a dark time, and I believe it did! But then something changed. I was finally in control of my mental health for the first time since the PND and I started to have such a strong drive to build really amazing memories for my people, to take a moment and wrap it up tight, to show them how wonderful they are and how emotionally connected they were to their families. I really wanted to conserve that time so that when my people looked back at that photo, they felt exactly the same way as they did that day.

I also started to develop a unique style, coming from my strong love of the outdoors. Bringing the rustic and vintage into my work just felt like such a natural evolution.

Yorkshire Photographer

So you see, it's not just a photo, it's a feeling and a passion and I spend most of my time chasing the light, finding the perfect location and creating that perfect theme, so that you 'feel' everything from your session.

How do I continue to be the best Yorkshire Photographer I can?

These days, I continue to learn and craft my trade, I train often and I obsess about better ways to work, capture and improve my business for my people and to be the best photographer I can be.

I keep that little anxiety demon up on my shoulder and brush it off whenever I need to! Because you know what, nothing beats the feeling of having the very best job in the whole wide world....

Lots of love

Louise xx

Louise Pollitt Photography


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